Saturday, August 29, 2009

The #fridayflash Report - Week 14

The #fridayflash Report - Week 14: "

The #fridayflash Report

Never underestimate the power of a little press. Maria Schneider graciously allowed me to do a guest post on her blog, Editor Unleashed (external link), about #fridayflash, and man, did it work. We had many new voices join us this week, for a total of thirty-five stories. Thank you, Maria! I also want to thank all the wonderful writers who contributed as well as our fabulous readers who retweet and comment. You are all great.

Normally I welcome each new author personally in the Report. But there are so many that's a dicey proposition - I may miss someone and inadvertently offend. Plus my gray cells aren't what they used to be and I may welcome someone who is not new. Yikes! How would that make them feel? So, Welcome all! Come back next week, and bring a friend!

Now, for your reading pleasure - the list:

A Basement Story (external link), by Shannon Esposito @soesposito (external link)

A Robot Argues With Her Creator's Father About Reading a Eulogy (external link), by Christine Love @christinelove (external link)

Adelaide (external link), by Heather @unlikelyeden (external link)

Brain Helmet 2000 (external link), by Chris Chartrand @ChrisChartrand (external link)

Cyber Mummies (external link), by Anthony Deaver @AnthonyDeaver (external link)

Eggs Over Easy (external link), by Matthew Bacon @FogJuice (external link)

Exile of Innocence (external link), by Tomara Armstrong @2maraA (external link)

Firefighting (external link), by Pippa Hennessy @battypip (external link)

Final Call (external link), by Kevin J. Mackey @kevinjmackey (external link)

Forgiveness (external link), by Alan Baxter @AlanBaxter (external link)

Gone (external link), by Stephen Book @StephenBook (external link)

Hancock Pool (external link), by J. M. Strother @jmstro (external link)

Hostage (external link), Tanya L. Schofield @tlschofield (external link)

I Only Ate Half (external link), by Susan Sonnen @susanmuses (external link)

Impact (external link), by Dan Powell @danpowfiction (external link)

Inspection (external link), by netta50 @netta50 (external link)

Jamie's Home (external link), by Eric Krause @ericjkrause (external link)

Just Words (external link), by Susan Cross @SusanJCross (external link)

Knowing (external link), by Lauren Cude - Lauren is not on Twitter, but you can follow her on her blog.

Maxwell the Magnificent (external link), by Dana @ywgdana (external link)

Missed Connection (external link), by Jennifer Jones @jentropy (external link)

Pulling Teeth (external link), by Craig @washthebowl (external link)

Of Penguins and Men (external link), by ganymeder @ganymeder (external link)

Rex 84 – The Beginning (external link), by anniegirl1138 @anniegirl1138 (external link)

Samantha's Dress (external link), by PJ Kaiser @Doublelattemama (external link)

Saved By The Yellow Light (external link), by Jim Wisneski @Wisneski (external link)

The Best of Times (external link), by Michelle Evans @MichelleDEvans (external link)

The Fat Man’s Chance (external link), by Jeff Posey @AnasaziStories (external link)

The Last Pirate (external link), by Leigh Barlow @LeighBarlow (external link)

The Ropodsteak (external link), by Ryan Harron @rharron (external link)

The Teacup (external link), by Laura Eno @lauraeno (external link)

The Vision (external link), by Rosa Say @talkingstory (external link)

The Yin and The Yan of It (external link), by Marisa Birns @marisabirns (external link)

Their First Adventure (external link), by Kate Sherrod @KateSherrod (external link)

Viking Blood (external link), by Anton Gully @antongully (external link)

untitled (external link), by Kay Anna Kirby @kayannak (external link)

Please don't tell my children, but I am fallible. So if I've messed up anything in the above list, or missed your story, please let me know. I'll fix it ASAP.

Hope to see you all back next week - writers and readers alike.

Readers: If you enjoy a story you read in the #fridayflash please leave comments when you visit. Writers love feedback. And please tell your friends to read it too. Help these writers grow.

You can subscribe to the #fridayflash hashtag (external link) on Twitter every week for more great flash fiction.

We're on Facebook (external link) too.
