Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The #fridayflash Report - Week 18

The #fridayflash Report - Week 18: "

The #fridayflash Report

We had at least 56 stories posted this week. I say, 'at least,' because I inevitably miss a few. Again, if I missed yours, or if you would like your citation changed in any way, let me know and I will fix it right away.

I'll post another 'helpful hints for #fridayflash' piece tomorrow, if you'd care to take a look. I see a few things people do that could be changed to make life for you and your readers a bit easier.

We had several new voices this week and many wonderful stories posted. Thanks for participating, everyone. And a special thanks to those readers who comment and retweet (via Twitter or otherwise). We LOVE you!

A Betrayal Of Peace (external link), by Jim Wisneski @Wisneski (external link)

A Calling (external link), by anniegirl1138 @anniegirl1138 (external link)

A Daemon Meets Its Maker (external link), by Maria Protopapadaki-Smith @mazzz_in_Leeds (external link)

A Level-Headed Man (external link), by Tony Noland @TonyNoland (external link)

A Room-full of Discard Dreams (external link), by David Masters @davidmasters (external link)

Accelerant (external link), by Michael Solender @mjsolender (external link)

All the Way Home (external link), by TheBusyMystic? @TheBusyMystic (external link)

An Idiot's Tale (external link), by Mark Kerstetter @markerstetter (external link)

Arrival (external link), by Dana @ywgdana (external link)

Book Club (external link), by Lily Mulholland @CascadeLily (external link)

Break Time (external link), by Linda @drwasy (external link)

Business 101 (external link), by Lauren Cude via the Facebook Group Page

Death of a Mattress (external link), by Alex Carrick @Alex_Carrick (external link)

Discards (external link), by J. M. Strother @jmstro (external link)

Drought (external link), by Laurita Miller @LauritaMiller (external link)

Duce In The Machine (external link), by Chris Chartrand @ChrisChartrand (external link)

Everyone's A Critic (external link), by Kate Sherrod @KateSherrod (external link)

Fable of the Spider (external link), by Barry J. Northern @BarryNorthern (external link)

Falling (external link), by ganymeder @ganymeder (external link)

Family (external link), by Avery Tingle @IronMan1176 (external link)

Football Town (external link), by Chris Lynch @chrislynch_mwm (external link)

Friday Night (external link), by Amanda Scotney @rasplemjelly (external link)

Guerrilla Smile (external link), by John Wiswell @Wiswell (external link)

Joshua Part 1: Lost Causes (external link), by Avery Tingle @IronMan1176 (external link)

Learning to Swim (external link), by 3S_stories @3S_stories (external link)

Lifes A Gas (external link), by Paul Brazill @paulbrazill (external link)

Lip Shtick (external link), by judy b @jbonze (external link)

Living Dead Nerd (external link), by Al Bruno III @AlBruno3 (external link)

Long Time (external link), by netta50 @netta50 (external link)

Loop (external link), by Dan Powell @danpowfiction (external link)

Love Knows Few Boundaries (external link), by Clive Martyn @CliveM (external link)

Miller & the Monster (external link), by Deirdre Murphy @Wyld_Dandelyon (external link)

Minneapolis or Bust (external link), by PJ Kaiser @Doublelattemama (external link)

My Amelia (external link), by Amelia Delacroix @unpleasantries (external link)

Obsession and Random Acts of Kindness (external link), by Susan Cross @SusanJCross (external link)

One Last Ink Blot (external link), by Shannon Esposito @soesposito (external link)

Open the Box (external link), by Eric Krause @ericjkrause (external link)

Power Words (external link), by Gary Harmon @Gary_Harmon (external link)

Raj and Friends Discuss his Birthplace (external link), by Alex Carrick @Alex_Carrick (external link)

Reclaiming of the Soul (external link), by Sarah Joyce Bryant @thenightwriter (external link)

Running with Scissors (external link), by Karen Schindler, via email

Ships Passing (external link), Matt Marko @litrock (external link)

Sophie's Day (external link), by Paige Bruce @ecurbmp (external link)

Strange Death (external link), by Alan Baxter @AlanBaxter (external link)

Summer Rain (external link), by Leigh Barlow @LeighBarlow (external link)

Tea Time With Warthog (external link), by Jodi MacArthur? @JodiMacArthur (external link)

The Bridge (external link), by Laura Eno @lauraeno (external link)

The Cadillac (external link), by Carrie Cleaver @shadowsinstone (external link)

The Garage Sale (external link), by Rosa Say @talkingstory (external link)

The Italian Soda Man (external link), by Chad Beninati @beninati (external link)

The Portrait (external link), by Elizabeth Ditty @ditty1013 (external link)

The Sweetest Meal (external link), by E. D. Johnson @geektreasure (external link)

Theo (external link), by Marisa Birns @marisabirns (external link)

Three Beers and a Monster (external link), by Cecilia Dominic @RandomOenophile (external link)

Tootsa and the Fat Man’s Prostitute (external link), by Jeff Posey @AnasaziStories (external link)

Tunics (external link), by unlikelyeden @unlikelyeden (external link)

Readers: If you enjoy a story you read in the #fridayflash please leave comments when you visit. Writers love feedback. And please tell your friends to read it too. Help these writers grow.

You can subscribe to the #fridayflash hashtag (external link) on Twitter every week for more great flash fiction.

We're on Facebook (external link) too.


Related Link

The #fridayflash Archive - Check out previous reports to find stories from your favorite authors. Updated weekly.
