Sunday, September 13, 2009

The #fridayflash Report - Week 16

The #fridayflash Report - Week 16: "

The #fridayflash Report

By my count we had forty-nine stories posted this week. I often miss one or two in the first go round, the Margarita last night probably didn't help much in that regard, so we still may break fifty. If I have left you out, or messed up your citation in any way, please let me know and I will correct it immediately. We have a great group of participating writers and the stories each week continue to amaze. Congratulations all, and keep spreading the word about the #fridayflash.

A real joker (external link), by John Wiswell @Wiswell (external link)

A Very Fine Year (external link), by Ryan Harron @rharron (external link)

Bad Maintenance (external link), by Laura Eno @lauraeno (external link)

Breaks (external link), by Marisa Birns @marisabirns (external link)

Brothers (external link), by Leigh Barlow @LeighBarlow (external link)

Catholic Guilt and Lima Beans (external link), by Kylie Szymesko @lautir (external link)

Chances (external link), by Anthony Deaver @AnthonyDeaver (external link)

Darkening (external link), by Alan Baxter @AlanBaxter (external link)

Don't Touch (external link), by Anton Gully @antongully (external link)

Dragonwalk (external link), by Sayer @Sayer (external link)

Dutch Elm Disease (external link), by J. M. Strother @jmstro (external link)

Finding a Nice Girl (external link), by Tomara Armstrong @2maraA (external link)

Flight From the Battlefield (external link), by shannon esposito @soesposito (external link)

Folsom Prison Blues (external link), by Say Hello, Beanty @SayHelloBeanty (external link)

Garden of Eden (external link), by Lauren Cude, via Facebook.

Hall of Messages (external link), by PJ Kaiser @Doublelattemama (external link)

Heading Toward the Border (external link), by Christina Vincent @stina8753 (external link)

Hedge Fund (external link), by Jennifer Jones @jentropy (external link)

Knocked Out (external link), by Michael Solender@mjsolender (external link)

Last Conversation (external link), by Kevin J. Mackey @kevinjmackey (external link)

Letter to the Editor (external link), by CJ @h0jp0j (external link)

Look Here (external link), by Laurita Miller via Facebook

Now and Then (external link), by Trevor Mcpherson @3S_stories (external link)

One More Night (external link), by Xan Marcelles @crookedfang (external link)

Ouroboros (external link), by kaolin fire @kaolinfire (external link)

Rain (external link), by Carrie Cleaver @shadowsinstone (external link)

Rescue Dog (external link), by randilin @randilin (external link)

Rope Me Up (external link), by Jim Wisneski @Wisneski (external link)

Shot Of The Good Stuff (external link), by Chris Chartrand @ChrisChartrand (external link)

Tea Time Takes Me Away (external link), by ganymeder@ganymeder (external link)

The Boy Who Cried Sue (external link), by E. D. Johnson @geektreasure (external link)

The Bust (external link), by Dana @ywgdana (external link)

The Greatest Question of Our Time (external link), by KayAnna Kirby @kayannak (external link)

The Only Thing Left (external link), by Stephen Book @StephenBook (external link)

The Perfect Gift (external link), by Deirdre Murphy @Wyld_Dandelyon (external link)

The Phone (external link), by Karen Schindler via email

The Real Thing (external link), by Mark Kerstetter @markerstetter (external link)

The Second First Date (external link), by anniegirl1138 @anniegirl1138 (external link)

The Sneeze (external link), by Susan Cross @SusanJCross (external link)

The Third Attempt to Take the Teddy (external link), by Nick Name @namenick (external link)

The Waiting Game (external link), by Lily Mulholland @CascadeLily (external link)

The Witchery of Flutes (external link), by Jeff Posey @AnasaziStories (external link)

Third Shift at McSweeny's (external link), by Tony Noland @TonyNoland (external link)

Tomorrow (external link), by Benjamin Solah @benjaminsolah (external link)

Uncle Ron (external link), by Eric Krause @ericjkrause (external link)

untitled (external link), by T.J. McIntyre @southernweirdo (external link) It's in a tweet.

Virus Scans & Empty Promises (external link), by Dan Powell @danpowfiction (external link)

Wickedly Smooth (external link), by netta50 @netta50 (external link)

Wolf and Twilight (external link), by Clifford Fryman @Selorian (external link)

Readers: If you enjoy a story you read in the #fridayflash please leave comments when you visit. Writers love feedback. And please tell your friends to read it too. Help these writers grow.

You can subscribe to the #fridayflash hashtag (external link) on Twitter every week for more great flash fiction.

We're on Facebook (external link) too.


Related Link

The #fridayflash Archive - Check out previous reports to find stories from your favorite authors. Updated weekly.



  1. Jon, your "Dutch Elm Disease" was kinda of creepy and reminded me of something Ray Bradbury might write. Of course you wrote it, which is all the better. It's still marinating,which makes it a great story! Nice work.
